Tallow, it’s something odd you’re seeing online right and you’re not sure you should try it. Because… why would you put beef fat on your face? Right? Honestly, I was in the same boat but then I tried it and fell in love. Get yourself your favorite beverage (mine will be coffee), and get to know all the benefits of tallow.

What is Tallow anyway?
Tallow is made of rendered beef fat. You can use it in cooking, baking, feeding animals, soaps, and you guessed it, skincare! Tallow is what you get after you remove the impurities from beef fat. After rendering beef fat, you get liquid gold. Rendering fat is a very long process, depending on the person and their preferences. For me, it takes me 3-4 days to render beef fat to remove every single impurity there is. It’s so time-consuming but worth it.

Rendering your own tallow is not for the faint of heart – or smelly good kitchen. It’s an amazingly ugly way to stink up your kitchen in a heartbeat. You can absolutely make your tallow balm at home, people just prefer to buy it from me instead of doing the whole process at home. I don’t blame them, but I love to make it and create my own products to help people naturally.
My tallow story
It all started for me about a year ago, this tallow journey did. I have struggled with acne, dry skin, and a multitude of other skin issues since about 19. Mind you, I did not have a single pimple or acne spot all of my teenage years. I have struggled with acne since 19 and nothing has helped, but when I made my tallow balm – it seemed to have made a huge difference.
My husband and I both have very sensitive skin, him more than I. He has eczema and uses it for that, he absolutely loves the relief it provides for him. I have extremely dry legs and it feels amazing on my skin. I make my own special blends of tallow balm – you can find it here.
The benefits on your skin
Did you know that tallow is non-comedogenic? Meaning it won’t clog your pores! If you have clogged pores and you use tallow and break out, you might just need to exfoliate. Clogged pores are a result of skin that’s not been exfoliated. I also make a sugar scrub that’s great for exfoliation. You can find it here.

Tallow is super nourishing and high in vitamins such as A, D, E, & K. Vitamin E is important for aging skin since it has potent antioxidative properties that protect the skin from damaging UV light. It also reduces the damage that’s already been caused by it. With this, the tallow becomes effective in preventing superficial wrinkles from developing and fine lines. With consistent use, you will notice your skin become softer & more radiant.
Things you can use tallow balm for
You’re probably thinking… what can I use tallow balm for and where can I apply it? I know you are because I thought the same! So, here’s a list of just a few things you can use tallow balm for:
Diaper rash
Razor burn
Dry skin
Itchy skin
Insect bites
Where to apply it? Here’s another list of the places you can use it:
Anywhere that needs help!
I also make a puppy paw tallow balm for your best bud that needs help softening the paw pads.
The history of beef fat
Did you know that people have been using rendered beef fat as skin care for centuries? It dates back thousands of years, back to the Bronze Age. Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans all knew the benefits of using animal fats on their skin and would use them in many ways to treat and protect their skin.
Even in rural areas now, the practice of using rendered beef fat on your face & body is passed down through the generations. So, as you can see, it’s not a new fad or practice. It’s an amazing product to put on your body.
Why should I use The Local Willow Tallow Balm?
For starters, it’s 100% natural. I have many different types of tallow balms, ranging from baby-safe to highly scented balms. Also, I use 100% natural essential oils to fragrance my tallow – no synthetic & toxic fragrances here! I also use USDA-certified organic jojoba oil as a second natural punch to the balm.

Did you know that the ingredients in fragrances don’t have to be regulated by the FDA? They’re marked as “trade secrets”. There could be hundreds or thousands of “mysterious” toxins in those “trade secrets”. That’s why I use all-natural essential oils and herbs to scent my tallow balms. So, start the first step in your skin health by incorporating this amazing product into your day-to-day life. The smallest changes can make big impacts on your health down the road.
Additionally, I make my balms in small batches and they’re all locally made right here in North Carolina. In my products, I source my beef fat from local farmers – who grass feed and use no hormones. I source the beeswax I use from our local beekeeper! When you shop with me, you’re supporting 2-4 other local farmers & businesses. That’s my favorite part, being able to shop small and support other locals while making my own products – naturally.
So, as you can see, tallow is a pretty great thing to incorporate into your lifestyle. You may be on the fence, I definitely was! Don’t be afraid to try something new, you just might end up loving it.
Thanks for stoppin’ by!
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