As the weather gets warmer, the flower farm journey continues. I’m learning so much along the way. As you may have seen in my part 1 post, we were well on our way to filling the beds and planting seeds.

I have sown a lot of seeds, after patiently waiting for the last frost date. Here in NC, we’ve been having some crazy cold weather recently. It got down into the 40s this past week, I was a tad worried about my flowers. Anyways, onto the progress we have made on our mini flower farm.
Flower planting
So, I have been quite the busy bee after laying the cardboard and filling the beds. So, I have decided to add a couple of smaller beds beside the flowers for vegetables. I want to add more, but, we shall see how it progresses. So far I have planted cosmos, zinnias, dahlias, ranunculus, strawflowers, and a variety of wildflowers. Still, I have two more beds to fill. Those will be full of sunflowers galore and succession planting for continuous blooms.

As of right now, I am waiting on a woodchip drop to fill around the beds. I want to build a fence around the garden, for security from animals, and just because it looks pretty haha.
I am also planting things in containers as well such as nasturtium, basil, mint, and other herbs as companion plants. In one long row, I planted an abundance of marigolds too. Additionally, I like to add marigolds in the middle of my veggie beds to help with pests.

Also, I’m going to be planting calendula and some other specialty zinnias that I bought in hopes to save seeds from them. I’m also hoping to be able to plant more greenery to give the bouquets some beautiful greens.
Flower farm journey – things to do
Now that I have the majority of my seeds sown, I have a few more things to do such as:
Stake up blooms
Prevent pests and disease
Dead-head blooms
Succession plant
Make bouquets
Sell bouquets
Once my blooms such as zinnias, dahlias, cosmos, and a few other flowers get tall enough, I will need to stake them up. I haven’t quite figured out how I will do it, but I do have many options before me.

I am also researching ways to prevent pests and diseases naturally, I want to opt for the best one I can use without harming the planet. If you have any recommendations, feel free to comment below what you use!
There are so many things to do and learn! After doing all of these things, I hope to gain more knowledge and be able to have a thriving flower farm. Honestly, I keep buying seeds KNOWING I’m running out of space. I guess you can always add more beds… right? Although, my husband may disagree with that one LOL. I am so blessed to have him around to help me with the beds.

I cannot wait for the growing season to continue and be able to look out my window at the beautiful flowers. This process is a slow one but I know one that will be rewarding. Honestly, this year is a learning year for me. I’m trying to gain as much knowledge as I can through books and failure, trying not to get my hopes up just in case.
Part 3 update will be coming as soon as possible, once I have blooms! Thank you all for reading and I will see you next time.
If you’re new to the series, check out part 1 here.
Seeds I use:
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